
Unfortunately, not every pregnancy goes well. If something goes wrong in early development, the pregnancy can end in a miscarriage. You usually notice this first by feeling as if you are having your period or losing blood. Sometimes nothing happens and it is not until the first ultrasound that you discover there is no heartbeat.

With a miscarriage, something has gone wrong during the development of the pregnancy. The pregnancy will not progress further. This is a natural process and there is nothing that you can do to prevent it.

Miscarriage is very common. Approximately 10% to 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Read more about miscarriage in thisĀ leaflet.

1. Information about a non-viable pregnancy and miscarriage

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2. Options in the event of a non-viable pregnancy: waiting

3. Options in the event of a non-viable pregnancy: using medications

4. Options in the event of a non-viable pregnancy: curettage