Labour and delivery

Childbirth is a very special but also stressful event for many women and their partners. Naturally, you want to know exactly how your labour will go.
When will the contractions start? Will labour go well? Can I manage the pain? Several questions come to mind. Good preparation can make you feel relaxed as you prepare for labour.
There is a lot of information available, both on the internet and in books. You can also find leaflets on giving birth.
For books with good explanations about giving birth, ask your midwife or gynaecologist for advice.

Where you can give birth

If there are no complications, you are free to choose whether you would like to give birth at home or in the hospital. If medically necessary, the birth will take place in the hospital. Click here for more information.

What you need to prepare

Naturally, small babies come with a long list of necessary items. You can find a list of essential items here. Click here for more information.

Inducing your labour

In some cases, it is necessary to start labour artificially, you will then be induced. Click here for more information.

Calling instructions

The midwife or gynaecologist will provide you with calling instructions. Are you having your first baby or have you given birth before? Has the head descended into the pelvis or not? This will determine which instructions are appropriate for you, so it’s not the same for everyone! This will be discussed with you at around 36 weeks.
Ensure you have the right phone numbers at hand. It may be useful to add these to your mobile phone.

If you contractions begin, your water breaks or your have blood loss before 37 weeks, contact the healthcare provider responsible for your pregnancy.

1. Inducing labour

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2. Inducing labour – Preparation

3. What is labour induction and what are the advantages and disadvantages?