
In 1975, the Obstetric Working Group Deventer was established, a partnership of midwives, general practitioners, gynaecologists and maternity nurses. The aim and philosophy, even then, was to identify high-risk cases in pregnancy and tailor policy to the individual expectant mother, so that the best care could be provided to that expectant mother.

In 2010, the report ‘Een goed begin’ (‘A good start’) by the Pregnancy and Birth Advisory Committee was published with recommendations on improvements in care around pregnancy and birth, to ensure safe care and, where possible, reduce infant mortality during labour and delivery.

This report defined 7 guiding principles:

  • Mother and child at the forefront
  • Healthy ageing starts in the womb
  • Well-informed expectant mother, through clear and uniform information
  • Professionals are collectively responsible for care (working together)
  • Specific and intensive attention for women from disadvantaged situations
  • Never leave a woman alone during labour
  • 24/7 availability and accessibility of professionals for necessary care.

In 2012, cooperation in the region led to Geboortezorg Salland.
Partners in the birth care chain in the Deventer region seek to provide the best possible care to the (expectant) mother, partner and child. High-quality care is offered jointly and comprehensively. The care is appropriate and timely and takes place at the midwife’s office where possible and at the gynaecologist’s office where necessary.

This resulted in the following objectives:

  • The expectant mother is central
  • Risk selection is performed by the midwife and gynaecologist collectively (joint intake)
  • Develop and update care plan for healthy expectant mother and specific additional care plans
  • Joint arrangements for early detection and home visit during pregnancy
  • Uniform information in the region
  • Optimise information exchange between midwife and gynaecologist
  • Develop and update working agreements and protocols collectively
  • Resolve capacity problems at Deventer Hospital
  • Joint training in acute obstetrics
  • Strive for integrated care in the region. The Integral Geboortezorg Salland organisation was established in 2019.