Caring for you together

At Geboortezorg Salland, we have a collective vision. In everything we do, improvements we make or how we expand our care, we assess whether this aligns with our vision. In our most recent annual report, you can read about our activities in the previous year.

(Expectant) family first

Geboortezorg Salland stands for customised care in the period before pregnancy and after the maternity period. Customised care is appropriate and responsible care, with choices made according to Collaborative Decision Making in which the expectant mother and her partner remain in control. We actively involve the expectant mother’s partner (and wider circle) in the care to strengthen a promising start for the child. We stand for freedom of choice: freedom of choice on substance (customised care) but also on preference. Every midwife practice within Geboortezorg Salland has its own style of healthcare provision on the same substance, so these different preferences will remain in place.

We are Geboortezorg Salland

Geboortezorg Salland is an Integral Birth Care Organisation (Integrale Geboortezorg Organisatie, IGO) and comprises several disciplines: maternity nurse, nurse, first-line midwife, ultrasound technician, (physician assistant) obstetrician, lactation specialist, A(N)IOS, gynaecologist, paediatrician, (outpatient care) assistant, secretary, manager and management assistant.

We ensure that the expectant mother and her partner hear and feel who we are and what we stand for. We are familiar with each other within the organisation, we trust each other’s expertise and, if necessary, we address each other about quality, policy or cooperation. As an IGO, we are innovative and this should be noticeable for the client. We all contribute to the Right Care in the Right Place (Juiste Zorg Op de Juiste Plek, JZOJP) policy: with this in mind we have first-line care where possible, second-line care where necessary. At Geboortezorg Salland, we are proud of who we are: 

Be good and be proud of it.

Smooth care

We are jointly responsible for the care of the (expectant) family. We make use of each other’s expertise to organise the best care. Flexible care means that there are no duplications and struggles: the expectant mother and her partner only have to tell the story once. Then, together with the expectant mother and her partner, we ensure effective and unified planning and substance. We all present a unified story to the expectant mother and provide care without unnecessary obstacles.

Sustainable organisational capacity

The choices we make are guided by the content of care, while keeping an eye on the financial health of our organisations. Our starting point is the we: we need each other to care for the (expectant) family together.

Continuous quality improvements, driven by client satisfaction and relevant outcomes

Providing high-quality care for a satisfied (expectant) family means that we continuously evaluate and reflect and see where we can initiate improvement efforts. Receiving feedback from the (expectant) family on our care contributes to improving this care. Together, we care for the (expectant) family. We stand for top care.