Salland Birth Council

Welcome to the page of the Salland Birth Council (Geboorteraad Salland). From a long-standing desire to involve (future) parents more within Geboortezorg Salland, the Birth Council was established in May 2020. Our ambition is to further improve birth care through good cooperation between (future) parents and healthcare professionals. To achieve this, the Birth Council is known by and accessible to (future) parents and healthcare professionals. We want to give future parents a voice through the Birth Council.

Annually, the Birth Council meets four times. Since its inception, the Birth Council has been comprised of five mothers. We each have our own story and experiences with birth care in the region.

Would you like to contribute to improving birth care or do you have a question? Are you interested in becoming part of the birth council? Or maybe you could contribute on a topic? We can be reached at the email address:

Laura, Eline, Kim and Jeanine

Report May 2020 – December 2021

Since its establishment in May 2020, the Birth Council has already achieved a lot. We are proud of what we have already been able to establish and would like to share this with you. Read the report May 2020-December 2021 here (Dutch only).