The Geboortezorg Salland.nl website has been compiled with care and is checked regularly. All rights relating to the content of this website (texts, images and logos) belong to Geboortezorg Salland.nl in Deventer. Information may be outdated or incomplete. Geboortezorg Salland accepts no liability for damage of any kind arising from any incorrect information on this website. The site is intended solely as a source of information. The website does not replace the information provided by our healthcare providers to our clients/patients. The information on Geboortezorg Salland.nl is also shared via social media, such as Facebook.
All texts and images on Geboortezorg Salland.nl are protected by copyright and may not be used by others. If there is a text or image on the website that is incorrectly copyrighted, please contact the web editors.
By posting information on this website, Geboortezorg Salland.nl does not enter into any obligations of any kind towards third parties. Consequently, explicitly no rights may be derived from the contents of this website.
Websites linked to Geboortezorg Salland.nl
The website of Geboortezorg Salland.nl may contain links to other websites operated by others. We are not liable for the content of these websites. See disclaimer.
The editors of Geboortezorg Salland.nl may make changes to the disclaimer at any time.